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This is Erin's page.  Here she will post things that interest her as well as links to pages of pictures and other fun things.
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Mom and I have been working out at a new Dojo.  We are learning jujutsu.  If you want to learn more about it Click HERE. Of course I still love Judo.  I even won a tournament before I left Missouri.  Daddy put a page together for me.  It's HERE if you want to see it.
I went to the NRA Show in Kansas City and get some lessons in shooting an air rifle.  Daddy also bought me a Junior Membership in the NRA.  It was a lot of fun.  Click HERE for pictures if you want to see them.  I have learned a lot about safety and how to respect firearms. 

I played a lot of soccer in Missouri.  Dad says he will build a page of pictures for me when he gets a chance.  I miss soccer and hope I get to play in Alabama. For now, HERE is a picture of my old team.


I went backpacking for the first time with Mom and Dad in the Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico.  It was HARD work but I had a good time.  Click on the picture for a photo album of our trip.


More coming soon


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